[SeaLeft Studios]

Cubes - Issue 1
The Mystery of Honey Klim

One of the fun things about working on the regular Cubes semimonthly comic strip is the planning session that precedes each year of Cubes. Although Cubes runs continuously it's easier to plan it, at least in a general sort of way, in annual increments. This includes such things as some of the gags, character development, and, in the case of year 3, the laying out of an ongoing story arc.

Year 3 of Cubes saw the introduction of Honey Klim into the main cast of the strip. Her purpose was to shake things up a bit and be seen as somewhat of an outsider by the rest of the team. As the year progressed clues were revealed in the strip and in an accompanying page on the CubesComic.com website that hinted at Honey having a sinister hidden agenda.

As year 3 thundered towards its end the Honey Klim story demanded a resolution. Tying up all the loose ends and explaining all of Honey's actions was far larger than could fit in a single Cubes strip so instead the first full comic issue of Cubes was created.

For best effect, be sure to consult these sources before jumping in:

-Richard Hoover (September 2008)
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Copyright © 2003-2025 by Richard Hoover. All rights reserved. No reproduction without permission.